Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical
Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical
Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical
Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical
Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical
Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical

Fancy turquoise and brown braided split reins with beading....beautiful yet practical

Regular price $0.00 $90.00 Sale

These reins are attached to a trigger snap with a Conway buckle.  You can swap your snap if your horse ever happens to break them.  I want you to be able to enjoy these beautifully handcrafted reins for years and years to come ;). 
The colors are neon turquoise and chocolate brown.